Singapore Staycation

Singapore Staycation Shangri-La Rasa Daycation

I could write a novel about our one-week staycation in Singapore last week. But in the interest of my sanity and you not losing interest, I’m going to try to pack a lot of info into a shortish (but not really at all…) post.

I’ll walk you through our week and break down the pros and cons of the things we did with Charlie with little highlights and meals thrown in there. I hope this info helps you try some new things in Singapore with a toddler in tow!


Shangri-La DayCation:

What it is: a pre-booked day at the Shangri-La Rasa Resort on Sentosa. It was $75/adult and each ticket came with a $50 food voucher.


  • very family friendly. we actually bumped into two families we knew which made the day even more fun.

  • easy poolside food and drink ordering and delivery. food was great and they had good options for Charlie!

  • endless entertainment. there is a large pool, a kids pool, a kids water play with water slides, and private beach access with water sport options.

  • we got there early and snagged a poolside seat.


  • the day ended up getting quite expensive but for the ease and what we got, it was worth it.

  • it’s a long day with kids. we had Charlie nap in his stroller but then took him home to spend the afternoon and bedtime with our nanny, Jenny.

I know this option sold out for the month of August quickly. There are spots for September, although all weekends are already booked.

Sunday - National Day Holiday

We stuck close to home for National Day so we could enjoy all the festivities. In non-Covid years, most activities - flyovers, parades, fireworks - happen in the CBD (Central Business District) area. This year, they spread everything out around the island so people could enjoy everything socially distanced.

We went into East Coast Park in the morning to see the fighter jets flyover and the Chinook helicopter flyover with the Singapore flag. From there, we jumped on our bikes to see the “mobile column” aka parade on Changi Rd. We got there just in time and got to see the police officers, tanks, missiles, fire trucks and servicemen and women. Charlie was very impressed by the “CAR!”

Our afternoon was spent with our neighbors in East Coast Park for a picnic dinner, baseball and playtime in the shade. A perfect National Day all around.


Jurong Bird Park:

What it is: Asia’s largest bird park with close to 3,500 birds of 400 species!


  • you feel like you are in another world

  • very stroller and family friendly

  • part of our Friends of Wildlife annual pass, which I talk about in this blog post, which means it was essentially a free morning.

  • you get to see some really amazing birds. we loved the “Wings of Asia” area where there were peacocks roaming freely. Charlie was a bit nervous but also fascinated.


  • it was really hot and sticky. not somewhere to go on a very sunny or rainy day. the only respite was the penguin exhibit at the entrance/exit of the park.

  • no coffee options. we booked in for the earliest spot at 8:30am and were hoping to get our morning coffee upon arrival. no options, which bummed us out!

  • you have to book a time slot but that’s kind of the norm everywhere these days!

Of the parks we’ve now been to in Singapore, I’d say this is our least favorite. That said, we’ll definitely be back!

Ikea and Robertson Quay

After a nice nap at home, we ventured back to the west side of Singapore to go to Ikea Alexandra. It seems so silly that we would do this on our staycation but a little thing like a trip to Ikea can become such an ordeal when you don’t have a car. We needed a few small things - a table and stool for Charlie and a few kitchen bits and bobs - but it was so nice to just jump in the car and go! We haven’t had a trunk to fill in years so it felt like we were back home in the US.

It was getting close to dinner time when we left Ikea so we headed to Robertson Quay for dinner. We love the area right around Alkaff Bridge because there is a little play structure, which Charlie loved, and lots of family friendly food options. We went to Super Loco, an old favorite, for dinner and enjoyed Mexican food and a margarita before heading home.



What it is: check out this post!


  • we’re very familiar with it now and can just buzz around and hit our favorite spots

  • it was so quiet during the 8:30am slot on a Tuesday morning

  • the baboons! we had never seen this section before and all loved it. it was especially fun to see mamas with babies on the boob and “toddlers” pulling at their tails. felt very relatable.

  • we have been so many times now that we didn’t feel any pressure to “see it all.”

  • the tram was up and running and is free with the annual pass. it was a nice respite from the heat.


  • you have to pre-book all extras like giraffe feedings. thankfully, we learned this when we went a few weeks ago and were able to pre-book for this trip but they fill up quickly!

  • hot. you can sneak into the reptile area to hide from the heat but only one entrance is open. if you find yourself in the Africa section, it is a long walk to get there and by the time you need the AC, a long walk is the last thing you want.

  • playground was closed. Charlie loves the pirate ship playground next to the sea lion but it was closed on this trip. i found this a bit odd as it has been open post-Covid and now is closed.

Overall, a wonderful morning at the zoo. The baboons, elephant and giraffes were the highlights of this trip!

Jewel Canopy Park

What it is: an indoor park on the 5th floor of Changi’s Jewel with slides, “foggy bowls,” a petal garden and a topiary walk.


  • air conditioning! it’s amazing to have a park where Charlie can run around but still remain comfortable and cool

  • only S$4.50 per adult to enter. lots of entertainment for not a lot of money.

  • the foggy bowls kept Charlie and his friend, Nora, entertained for a long time. Well, until they found some lockers to open and close.

  • lots of food options for lunch or dinner after burning some energy.

  • easy with strollers and has some places to sit down.


  • i can imagine this place gets packed on the weekends. during the week, it had some people but still tons of room for kids to roam somewhat freely.

  • there is a section where the path goes between some water features without barriers. we had to keep a close eye on the kids so no one fell in.

We cannot wait to come back here and I know it’s something I’ll do with Charlie often during the week. Thank goodness we only live 10 minutes from the airport!

Atlas and 126 Dim Sum Wen Dao Shi

Date night! Atlas is a very famous bar in Singapore located in a gorgeous Art Deco building called Parkview Square. It does look a bit like a hotel lobby but in the best way possible - towering ceilings, intricate design and an impressive bar on each side. This is a place where you have to book weeks in advance and there is a dress code after 5pm.

I had been twice before when people were in town visiting but this was Nick’s first time. It felt like an appropriate way to kick off a series of date nights. We each had two cocktails - gin martinis for me and a gin martini followed by a whiskey concoction for Nick - and a few nibbles. It was such a luxury to be dressed up and feel like real grown ups for a change.

From Atlas we took a grad to 126 Dim SUm Wen Dao Shi. After a bit of a splurge on the cocktails, we figured we’d balance out the night with a 24-hour dim sum place in Geylang. It was so good!! A complete hole in the wall with an extensive menu. The highlight for us with chili crab sauce with crispy mantou buns (Chinese white bread). For me, that’s the highlight of chili crab so getting just that without the fuss of the crab was a major win!


McRitchie Resevoir

Nick and I decided to give Charlie a break from constant zipping around on Wednesday. He had a playdate at home with our nanny and we snuck off for a day date hike. I had never been to McRitchie Reservoir and have already done a trip back. Not only is it gorgeous but during the week it feels like you are a million miles away from real life. Nick wanted to do a run so he took off in the beginning. Our plan was for him to turn around at some point and find me along the trail.

I started by listening to a podcast but quickly realized there was no one around - this was a chance to be in nature and enjoy the sounds and silence that provides. Not long after my earbuds came out, it started to rain. I am not sure what happened in the woods - maybe feeling close to my dad or maybe just being alone with my thoughts - but the flood gates opened. I felt like I could breathe for the first time in a long time. So many things I have been anxious about seemed clear. I will be sharing more about that soon.

Ultimately, we hiked about 9km in the rain and it was absolutely glorious. But we were hungry!

Long Phung Vietnamese Food

I was really craving pho after our hike - probably the AC hitting my drenched clothes. We did some googling and found a ton of reviews on Long Phung Vietnamese food. Review after review called it "authentic” so we had to give it a try.

Long Phung is really close to where we live and I am so sad we never visited before last week. It was so so good. We can be snobs when it comes to Vietnamese food and it was refreshing to have something hit every single note. I got the pho tai (rare beef pho) and sipping the broth brought me back to the early days of my pregnancy when I could finally muster enough energy to get out of bed, walk down the alley behind our apartment in Hanoi and order “pho khong thit” (pho without meat, i.e. just broth). Nourishing and comforting to the soul.

After lunch we headed home to hang out and swim with Charlie. He was so happy to see us!


Once Charlie was down for the night, we headed to FOC on Hongkong Street for dinner. We booked in for bar seats which looked over the bar and kitchen. I worked in NYC fine dining for a few years right out of college so I love watching chefs and cooks at work.

FOC is a tapas bar and every single dish we ordered was memorable. The three that stood above the rest were the pan con tomate (bread with tomatoes kind of like bruschetta), patas bravas and the suckling pig and scallop paella. We will most definitely be back


Jurong Lake Gardens

What it is: a park in Jurong next to the Chinese Gardens that has extensive paths and impressive playgrounds.


  • there are so many playgrounds that are geared toward different ages.

  • paths are great for strollers.

  • there are clean bathrooms near the playgrounds

  • empty on a weekday

  • very close to an MRT station


  • lots of the play areas were closed. we had seen some friends post on instagram over the weekend of the trampoline section but it was closed when we went. that was the main draw for us.

  • playground is a 10ish minute walk from the parking area. this isn’t a huge distance but we didn’t grab the stroller out of the trunk because we thought it was right next to where we parked. our fault and easily avoidable.

Hopefully all the playgrounds will be open soon. I know we will be back once Charlie is a bit older and can enjoy all the play areas.

Bollywood Veggies

What it is: a sprawling garden created by two Singaporeans in their retirement. it first opened in 2005 and offers guided tours, birthday parties and cooking classes.


  • super family friendly

  • cafe at the entrance with really good, cheap food which offers fans and shade.

  • you can enter the garden for free and just roam around.

  • there is a garden store at the front where you can buy veggies picked from the grounds.

  • you feel like you are in another universe. it is so serene and lush.


  • the paths are not the easiest with a stroller but it is manageable. our S$95 throw around stroller made it with a little assistance at a few points.

  • it is hot on a sunny day so sunscreen, umbrellas and a cold Grab or car to jump into at the end is needed.

  • it is out there and not the easiest place to reach without a car. you can take the MRT to the Kranji stop and get on a shuttle bus but i can imagine that would take precision planning which isn’t always easy with a kid.

This was the family highlight of the week for me. It reminded me so much of my dad and I loved seeing Charlie run around barefoot simply amazed by the plants, butterflies and dragonflies. Charlie ended up passing out in his stroller toward the end of our walk and took a 1+ hour nap! We headed back to Poisin Ivy Bistro and had a beer and some water while he slept. This was the one day all week where we didn’t head home for nap time.

River Safari

What it is: part of the Zoo complex in Mandai, the River Safari gives you a glimpse into river life around the world.


  • part of our Friends of Wildlife annual pass so a free activity

  • shaded with an air conditioned exhibit in the middle (pandas!)

  • easy for Charlie to just run around! everything is essentially eye level for him, whereas at the zoo we have to lift him up and down often to see things.

  • very quiet on a weekday.

  • very stroller friendly

  • starbucks at the entrance!


  • you have to be 106cm to do the Amazon River Quest boat ride, which is the only way to see a section of the park.

  • there isn’t as much choice in what you see, as the park is a loop. I guess you can start backwards but you more or less have to move in one direction.

We actually really enjoyed this overall. I’ve had some friends mention not liking it as much as the zoo but the shade and change of pace was really nice for us. We can’t wait to go back again.

Hua Yu Wee

This is hands down our favorite spot for chili crab, the iconic Singaporean dish. Located just down the road from where we live, Hua Yu Wee is truly like stepping back in time. The staff is old school Chinese, it is BYOB and you can order off menu, if you know what to order.

Our favorite dishes are: black pepper prawn (no shell), chili crab sauce prawn (no shell) with mantou buns, ice vegetables (no idea what it actually is), individual ribs (not on menu) and seafood meegoreng. It never disappoints!


We took it easy Friday morning and watched “buh-ball” (baseball). Nick is an avid Yankees fan and we spend almost every morning with the game on in the background. Charlie actually wakes up now and, after saying “car!”, says “daaaa, buh-ball” (dad baseball). It melts my mama heart.

After our slow morning and a nap at home, we headed to Marina Bay Sands to check out the Art Science Museum for the first time.

Art Science Museum

What it is: where art meets science and the newest technological advances are on display. the current exhibit is “Future World”


  • super easy with kids, although strollers have to stay outside the exhibit.

  • future world is interactive and electronic which meant it kept Charlie’s attention.

  • Charlie loved running around, especially in the final area with the big bouncy balls.


  • the exhibit is dark so we really had to keep an eye on Charlie. he has gotten so fast!

  • there are a lot of social distancing measures in place, which is appreciated but it meant we missed out on some parts because we didn’t want to spend our time waiting in line.

  • Charlie pooped while we were in there so we had to get ourselves out of the exhibit, find the bathroom on the opposite side and then make our way back in.

I think we encountered more crowds because it was a Friday afternoon but it may just be that it is always kind of busy. I am going to try to bring Charlie back on a Monday or Tuesday afternoon sometime and see if we have better luck seeing some of the smaller sections where only 5 people are allowed in at a time.

Din Tai Fung

We decided to visit our favorite dim sum chain in Marina Bay Sands for dinner after the museum. This was our first meal out where he was really hungry the minute we sat down. Thank god we had some strawberries. But it was still tough to keep him entertained and in the high chair while we waited for the food to arrive.

Once it did, Charlie devoured noodles with pork chop and yam steam buns, his favorite!

We had never really wandered around the mall in Marina Bay Sands so walking from one end to the other between the museum and Din Tai Fung was exciting. Charlie was running and Nick and I were eyeing all the designer window displays.

Laguna Practice

After Charlie went to bed, Nick and I headed just a few minutes up Upper East Coast Rd. to Laguna Practice. For those who don’t know, Nick loves golf. When we lived in New York and he didn’t work Fridays in the summertime, he would play 2-3 times per weekend. I always joke that if I don’t learn how to golf, I’ll lose my husband in retirement.

So off we went to a driving range. For S$45/hour, you can use the second level top-tracer range. This tracks your ball and tells you the distance, speed, curve and more. You can have long drive competitions, “play” different courses or just track your shots. It was a really fun night and we’re looking forward to going back soon.


We had another relaxing morning at home on Saturday. I snuck out for a quick errand to the hardware store to get some supplies for a DIY project I am making for Charlie. More on that soon!

Changi Beach Park

What it is: a long, skinny beach on the east side of Singapore just north of Changi Airport.


  • there are patches of the park where the trees keep the beach shaded - perfect for a toddler to play.

  • ample parking along the park in different parking lots.

  • you can watch planes come in for landing. Charlie loved this! every 10-15 minutes we would hear a plane approaching and get to see it just before it landed.

  • Holly, our Lakeland Terrier, came along!


  • it is pretty packed on the weekend.

  • hard to get to without a car. you can Grab but it would just be more of a hassle.

We love going out to Changi Beach and usually pair it with a meal at Little Island Brewing Co (more info on that in this blog post). We would have done that but we had another date night planned!

The Butcher’s Wife and Merci Marcel

Once we got Charlie down for the night, we were off to Tiong Bahru, which is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Singapore. It reminds me a lot of West Hollywood or Miami. The Butcher’s Wife was recommended by a friend and it sparked my interest because it is a 100% gluten free restaurant. I try my best to avoid gluten when possible so this made choosing what to eat really easy.

We had the Dadinhos de Sago to start, which was to die for, followed by the goats cheese, mini corn on fire, sweet potato gnocchi and the lamb sausage. Everything was really good but did not blow me away. I would definitely go back if we were in the neighborhood and found ourselves hungry but I am not sure that I would jump in a Grab specifically to head there again.

After dinner we wandered the streets of Tiong Bahru for a bit and found ourselves at Merci Marcel, which specializes in gin and tonics. We couldn’t say no!


Our last morning of staycation. We decided to do something we love to do and do often - morning beach play in East Coast Park with a hawker lunch with friends. We do this once or twice a month and it is always a good time. The kids can wear themselves out playing in the sand and water with the dads watching on while the moms sit and catch up. As soon as someone has an inkling of hunger, the dads run across the path to the hakwer center and load up on pineapple fried rice, popiah, curries and satay.

Time completely got away from us and we basically had to run home to get Charlie down for a nap. I also had my first nail appointment in almost a year at Nail Social. I am going to do a whole post on this place soon!

Dairy Farm Nature Park

What it is: a nature park, neighboring Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, that once was home to cows! It now is full of nature trails, tracks (pathed roads) and mountain bike trails. We took a track from carpark A to the Singapore Quarry.


  • it is right next to Hillview MRT station so it it extremely accessible.

  • the track we took was only 2.5km roundtrip so super manageable with kids. we, stupidly, did not bring the stroller but Charlie managed to walk more than half of it. if we had had unlimited time, i bet he could have walked it all (with lots of stops to pick up rocks, sticks and leaves).

  • there is a playground off to the side of the track we did which would be a great pit stop on the way to or from the quarry. it was in the sun in the later afternoon but i can imagine morning would be great.

  • very easy for strollers

  • Holly came! but dogs are only allowed on the tracks, not the nature trails.


  • it is hilly and parts are very sunny. that said, it is mostly shaded. you just really feel the sun when you’re in it.

  • no bathrooms anywhere near carpark A and the quarry. i think i saw a sign by the carpark that there was one 1.4km in the opposite direction.

  • it was busy. not packed but definitely the busiest nature walk we’ve done in Singapore.

This was on the top of Nick’s list as an option for a hike with Holly. She loved it, we loved it and may make the trip back via MRT (sans Holly) one day soon.

Smith’s Authentic Fish and Chips

To round out our Singapore staycation we had dinner at Smith’s. This was another thing on Nick’s radar that he has wanted to try for a long time. We were all a bit hot and very hungry when we arrived. We eat dinner every night at 5pm with Charlie and we didn’t even order until 5:45pm. We were pushing it.

The fish and chips are not cheap at S$25 but the portion is huge and it is so good! We ordered Charlie the cod and haddock fish cakes from the a la carte menu (fish with spices and potato) with a side of peas and he devoured it. It was two massive patties and he ate every last bite. I think he worked up an appetite walking 1+km at Dairy Farm.

We had such a fantastic week exploring Singapore and are sad it is over. But now we need a real vacation where we can lay on the beach or by a pool for 7 days straight!

Love Morgan

My Integrative Postpartum Care


Managing the Fertility Roller Coaster with Essential Oils