Simple DIY Skin Care - Oil Cleansing

oil cleansing diy skin care toxin free

Did you know you can DIY your skincare? Save time, money and your skin from hormone disrupting chemicals by making your own cleanser, toner and moisturizer!

No, I'm not kidding. It is so easy and so so effective!

Taking care of my skin has always been a priority for me (thank you, mama!), so I do not take things like this lightly. When I realized I could take care of my skin with just hot water, extra virgin unrefined coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and two essential oils, I knew I had to give it a go. And guys, it's SO good!

Introducing the oil cleansing method.

Coconut oil and two drops of tea tree essential oil have replaced my cleanser. Coconut oil has naturally occurring antimicrobial properties and, despite what you might think, actually helps lift dirt and grime out of your pores. Adding tea tree steps up the cleansing power!

Apple cider vinegar (I use Braggs) in a small spray bottle has replaced my toner. Apple cider vinegar helps balance the pH of the skin which can further help avoid breakouts.

Jojoba oil with two drops of lavender (or any other floral oil) has replaced my moisturizer. This leaves my skin feeling clean, moisturized and like I've just left the spa. I absolutely love using jojoba oil to finish this off because it most closely matches the oils released by your body giving you optimal moisture.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Put a teaspoon of coconut oil into your palm and put two drops of tea tree oil on top. Rub your hands together and then massage into your face for about 30 seconds.

  2. Get your water nice and hot - as hot as you can handle. Wet your cloth then squeeze out any extra.

  3. Hold the cloth to your face for 30 seconds so the steam can help lift any dirt and grime off of your skin. Wipe the oil and dirt off of your face.

  4. Rinse the cloth and rub away any extra coconut oil that may be left on your skin.

  5. Mist your skin with apple cider vinegar (that’s the little blue bottle you see in the video below) then use a reusable make up removing pad to wipe away excess dirt.

  6. Put two pumps of jojoba oil into your palm and top with two drops of lavender oil. Massage into your face and you’re done!

Watch my mini tutorial below!

I’ve been doing this for about 5 months now and I absolutely love it. It’s so simple, so cheap and so good for my skin. Here is a link to the blog Coconuts and Kettle Bells so you can dig a little deeper if you’d like.

I'm super excited about this simple skin care routine and hope you'll give it a try!

Love Morgan.png

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Any purchases made through these links will result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you), but all opinions are my own.


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