
I’m a mama doing my best to reduce our toxic load while living a balanced and happy life.

Follow along here for a glimpse into my life.

essential oils Morgan Mider essential oils Morgan Mider

Managing Menopause Naturally

Your period is irregular. You randomly experience waves of heat and break out in sweats. You’re having trouble sleeping through the night. You’re gaining weight. Your breasts are changing—and not for the better. You might even experience drastic mood swings. Welcome to beginning stages menopause.

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essential oils Morgan Mider essential oils Morgan Mider

Toddler Roller Ball Recipes

If I had a penny for every time I turned to my oils as a toddler mom, I would be a very, very rich woman. Whatever is thrown my way, which is a lot, I have an essential oil or an essential oil blend in a roller ball that I can grab.

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debt free, clean eating Morgan Mider debt free, clean eating Morgan Mider

Bulk Buying on a Budget

I recently shared on Instagram how our grocery budget seems to be the hardest thing for me to get a handle on. I just can’t bring myself to sacrifice quality to save some money. Thankfully, Scoop Wholefoods and their bulk bins have helped me keep the quality and save money. You just have to be smart on what you’re getting!

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Essential oils are the foundation of wellness in our home and play a vital role in a toxin-free life.