Toddler Roller Ball Recipes

Toddler Roller Ball Recipes

If I had a penny for every time I turned to my oils as a mom, I would be a very, very rich woman. Whatever is thrown my way, which is a lot, I have an essential oil or an essential oil blend in a roller ball that I can grab.

Kids like to keep us on our toes. From cuts, scrapes and bruises to high fevers, dry coughs and diarrhea - anything can happen and it can happen at any time of the day or night. My main objective when working with families is to help them feel empowered to take on whatever it is that is thrown their way.

When you are armed with a box of oils and educational resources, you can feel confident in caring for your family naturally. When something comes up, just ask yourself, “I wonder what oil I could use?” Turn to your resources - a reference book, this website or shoot me a text - and you will find something that can help you and your loved ones.

Today, I want to share with you the roller ball blends I use most often with Charlie. I use most of these on a daily basis and all of them weekly. Each blend here is for a 1-2 year old and mixed in a 10ml roller ball. I’ll walk you through when to reach for each one and share how to dilute them safely for little ones from birth to kindergarten!

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This first blend will be your teething best friend. I started using this on Charlie after his first tooth popped and the difference in comfort level was palpable.

This is a great blend to start with but you can play around with the oils and the ratio a bit. Essential oils support different people and children in different ways so don’t give up if this first blend doesn’t work for teething. Other oils to try are Clove and Siberian Fir. Just remember to go easy on Clove and do a stronger dilution because it is a hot oil.

Apply this often along the jawline when you suspect teething and especially before sleep!

Tummy Tamer Roller Ball Recipe.png

Before Charlie was born it felt like every mom I talked to complained about gas bubbles and tummy troubles with their babies. It would lead to endless crying, sleepless nights and little rest for everyone involved.

I made a super diluted version of this (just 1 drop of DigestZen in 10ml roller ball) to bring to the hospital with us and started applying it to Charlie’s belly in the first 12 hours of his life. I am happy to report that he has never dealt with digestive issues! This is a true life saver.

I like to use this preventatively and just apply it around the belly button at every diaper change. What is great about this is that it helps bring the belly to a balance - if things are moving to quickly, it slows them down and vis versa.

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Creating a sleep anchor is one of the things that I think has helped Charlie be a solid sleeper from a really young age. We’re also lucky - kid likes to sleep - but this definitely doesn’t hurt!

I actually use Serenity, the restful blend, along with Frankincense for Charlie. It is a Lavender based blend that I have used for sleep for years so it’s what I grabbed the day we got home from the hospital.

This is another blend you can play around with until you find the one that works for you and your family. Don’t give up. Once you find the sleep blend that works, it will work and everyone will get restful sleep. Other oils to try are Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Breathe (the respiratory blend), Calmer (the kid’s version of Serenity), Balance and Peace (the peaceful blend).

Toddler Immune Boost Roller Ball Recipe.png

This is an oil blend we use at least twice a day, every day. We have a lot more in our control when it comes to immunity than most people think. Of course bugs will get us, it’s inevitable. But daily habits to proactively boost your immunity can go a long way.

This is another roller ball that I had in our hospital bag but it was diluted with just 1 drop of On Guard in a 10ml roller. We got On Guard going in the diffuser in the delivery suite within 10 minutes of Charlie being born and we rolled this on his little feet and down his spine when he was about an hour old.

As Charlie has grown the number of oils and dilution has changed but the habit has not. Thankfully, he’s been a really healthy kid so far despite multiple play dates per week, lots of time at indoor play places and in classes and 17 international flights before the age of one. I am a big believer in this blend!

Toddler Tamer Roller Ball Recipes.png

This is my new best friend. New found freedom, pushing limits, frustration and all that joy has entered our household in full force in the past few months. This blend is grounding, uplifting, calming and energizing. It is what mama needs to get through the day and exactly what Charlie needs to chill out.

I don’t use this daily at the moment, although I probably should. When I use it, I have him take a deep breathe and I make it into a little ritual. This is not a blend to use in a moment of despair and chaos. Try to find a calm moment in a crazy day to get this on your toddler’s spine and feet.

Another great way to use this blend is in the diffuser. I get it going during nap time so when he wakes up, the aroma is in the air. It is also a great one to have in a car diffuser for road trips or school pick up (if your kids are in school at the moment).

Respiratory Support Roller Ball Recipe.png

Nothing can disrupt sleep more than a clogged nose or consistent cough. Whenever your little one needs a bit of respiratory support, this is a great blend to whip up.

For kids in diapers, apply this at each diaper change. For older kids, try applying it when they get dressed for the day and again when they change into their pajamas at night. A swipe down the spine doesn’t hurt either!

Like the Toddler Tamer blend, you can also try a few drops of each oil in the diffuser.

Skin Support cuts scrapes roller ball recipe.png

This blend is so versatile! I also make this as a 2oz spray with 15 drops of each oil to keep in our stroller pouch or my purse. This is the blend for anything skin related that happens throughout the day - cuts, scrapes, rash, bug bites. You name it, these three oils will help!

Why these three oils? Tea Tree is known for its cleansing properties, Lavender helps calm the skin (and emotions) and Frankincense helps support the healing of skin. Its a powerful trio!

Toddler Bruise Roller Ball Blend.png

I use this on Charlie multiple times per week. He is very accidental prone like his mama. No matter the size of the bruise, simply roll this blend on right away and often and watch it disappear. No joke - I have seen massive, deep bruises clear up way faster than they should. The quicker you are to act on applying, the better.

Now there is no need to worry when your toddler trips and smacks their head the day before your professional family photos!

Dilution for Roller Ball Recipes Baby and Toddler

Essential oils are powerful tools to have in the home, especially with children. You will find all kinds of information on the internet warning against using oils on children. Until about 12 years ago, a lot of these warnings were true. Essential oils were unregulated (the majority still are) and you didn’t really know what you were using.

I trust doTERRA oils because of their transparency, sourcing and commitment to sustainable, positive, global impact. To learn more, check out

All that said, it is important that you are using oils correctly. Anything in too high of a dose will be bad for you. Babies and toddlers are small so they do not need a lot of oil to have a big impact on their health. Follow these dilutions and you can use your doTERRA essential oils carefully and confidently on every member of your family!

If you don’t have essential oils in your home yet, here is the starter kit I would recommend with a few optional add ons: Healthy Start Kit + Toddler Add Ons. Also make sure you check out my essential oil tool box blog post so you know where to grab your roller balls and fractionated coconut oil at the best price!

Out of your budget? Grab the Healthy Start Kit to start and let’s connect. I will work with you to slowly add the extra oils and get some of the oils for free!

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Managing Menopause Naturally


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