
I’m a mama doing my best to reduce our toxic load while living a balanced and happy life.

Follow along here for a glimpse into my life.

essential oils, motherhood Morgan Mider essential oils, motherhood Morgan Mider

When I Feel Rundown

This is the first week that I have had writer’s block. We got hit by a little bug and I have no energy at the end of the day, which is when I usually sit down to write. Then it dawned on me that the whole point of this blog is to be a resource for other mamas to turn to and that someone may want to know what we do when we feel rundown.

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motherhood Morgan Mider motherhood Morgan Mider

No Mom Can Do It Alone

Living abroad has so many ups and so many downs. Life can look like a constant vacation but we still deal with all the real life stuff. The difference is that we don’t have a “normal” support system in place.

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Essential oils are the foundation of wellness in our home and play a vital role in a toxin-free life.