When I Feel Rundown

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This is the first week that I have had writer’s block. We got hit by a little bug and I have no energy at the end of the day, which is when I usually sit down to write. Then it dawned on me that the whole point of this blog is to be a resource for other mamas to turn to and that someone may want to know what we do when we feel rundown.

Last Tuesday, Charlie woke up feeling a bit warm and he sounded congested. He had his first runny nose. It’s been a while since I have been sick and was perhaps a bit cocky thinking I wouldn’t catch what he had. I was definitely a little too nonchalant about giving him open mouth kisses. I got hit Thursday but mildly. Charlie was back to normal, apart from the runny nose, which is still lingering. By Friday morning Nick and I felt fine.

But then on Monday I could barely move around the apartment. It was a rainy day which I know didn’t help my energy levels. Neither did trying to keep up with a busy toddler who didn’t care that mommy didn’t feel well.

I’ve shared on Instagram before that I didn’t grow up in a house where we ran to the doctor quickly. Most of the time we dealt with things at home while keeping a close eye on changes. I’ve adopted the same philosophy in motherhood. Especially now when going to the doctor’s office could do more harm than good.

We’ve been fortunate that we have only had to do two trips to the doctor with Charlie - one last fall when he had a little cough that just wouldn’t go away and again in January when we suspected he may have had Hand, Foot and Mouth. Thankfully, both times his cases were mild but just lingered a bit and that made me a little nervous.

So what do we do at home while we monitor symptoms and keep a close eye? I’ll tell you! But please keep in mind that I am in no way a medical professional. I am a mom who is trusting her gut and doing what works (and has worked) for her. Always consult a physician when needed!


Whenever Charlie feels a bit warm the first thing I do is pop him into a lukewarm bath. If it lowers his temp a bit, I know it’s nothing too severe. If it stays elevated, I keep a very close eye for the next 24 hours at which point I will try an over the counter med to bring it down. Fevers are the body’s natural way of killing things. As I learned recently, lowering a temp right away can actually prolong illness because you’re stopping your body from doing what it does best! Give the body a chance, keep a close eye and intervene if it has hung around, without dropping for 24 hours.

I am also a big fan of Shannon Tripp’s detox baths to help support our bodies in getting rid of the nasties. If you're a mom and not following @shanntripp on Instagram, I highly recommend doing so. This is her detox bath recipe that she recommends post-vaccine and to help with prolonged sickness.

Detox Bath Recipe:

1/2 cup epsom salts

1/4 cup baking soda

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

5 drops of essential oil (I like lavender!)

Please note that this is typically something to do with kids 2+ but you can safely do this every once in a while with younger kids. Detoxing can cause dehydration so make sure you or your little one have water nearby while taking this bath. I usually give Charlie his water bottle and try to encourage him to drink most or all of it while sitting in the bath. The goal is to sit in there for at least 20-30 minutes or until the water is cool for maximum benefit.


It should not come to you as a surprise that I turn to essential oils. This is when I love them most. When I used to feel that tickle in my throat that indicated the start of something, I felt helpless. Not anymore!

I immediately grab On Guard and Breathe essential oil blends and get them going in every diffuser in the house. I also make sure I’m applying them to our feet and spine every few hours throughout the day for immune and respiratory support.

I am also super diligent about using oils to support our sleep. This is when our bodies restore and repair themselves. My favorites for topical and aromatic use are Serenity, the restful blend, and Breathe. I’m also a big fan of magnesium for myself before bed. You can grab the oils here and the magnesium here (this is the one I use, recommended by my naturopath). Serious game changers for deep, restorative sleep!


Bone broth made from high quality chicken or beef bones has a ton of benefits to our health. It is key that you are using the bones from animals raised without the use of hormones, antibiotics and other junk or all that will end up in your broth. Not so great for our health when we’re trying to boost your immune function.

I love this article from Dr. Axe that dives deep into the benefits of bone broth and how it supports a healthy gut and, therefore, our immune health. A healthy, happy gut = a healthy, happy you!

I don’t have a specific recipe I follow but I always make sure I have leftover chicken bones in the freezer and veggie scraps to throw into a crockpot. I usually add one chicken carcass from Meat Club SG (we roast a chicken weekly so I always have bones on hand), onion scraps, one carrot and then some mushroom and/or celery if I have it. I get that all into my crockpot, cover with water, add a splash of apple cider vinegar (I’ve heard this helps pull more nutrients from the bones) and a little salt. Set on low for 24 hours and you have a glorious, gut healing bone broth. I will sip this by itself from a mug or use it as the base of a comforting soup.


Charlie is still breastfeeding. Yes, almost 3 months after I wrote about how our breastfeeding journey was coming to an end soon, he is still on the boob. I’m surprised and finding myself wondering when it will end. I’m also kind of loving this new chapter of it that is stress-free and the only time I get cuddles. Right now, it is providing him with a ton of antibodies. He is only on when he wakes up usually but I have let him feed on demand this past week and a bit.

I’ve never fully understood how breastfeeding helps through illness but I know breastmilk provides babies and toddlers with antibodies. Kellymom.com has been my go-to resource for all things breastfeeding as it is all evidence based. This article about the immune factors in breastmilk was eye-opening as were the links at the bottom of the page on similar topics.

Children want the breast more when they are sick for the comfort. It’s an added bonus for me that I am still able to offer this to Charlie and give him the antibodies he needs. Definitely not something I thought would be an option at this point in his life. I wonder if all these antibodies are the reason he bounced back so quickly and I’m still struggling a bit?


Staying hydrated is really important when you’re under the weather, especially if you are throwing up or have diarrhea. Thankfully, we haven’t had either but it doesn’t mean we’re skimping on our fluid intake. Charlie’s on the boob on demand, we’re all chugging a ton of water and making sure we get lots of good broth into our bodies.

Chill and Cuddle

Routines go out the window. We offer food at mealtimes but don’t stress if Charlie doesn’t want it. We turn on the tv more, read lots of books, stick close to home and get a little fresh air each day. It is pretty much survival with a whole lot of chill. The routine always comes back but baths at 7am, an extra snack (or 10) throughout the day and a few movies all help us feel better faster.

Thankfully, all of this has kept us feeling the best we could through this lingering ickiness. A week+ later, we’re at about 90%. I’m still crashing into bed around 7:45 and asleep around 8pm but I am waking up feeling better each day. Thankfully, fevers stayed away other than a low grade one for Charlie the very first day. Hoping that a few more days like this and we’ll be back to fighting strength!

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Becoming My Own Health Advocate


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