
I’m a mama doing my best to reduce our toxic load while living a balanced and happy life.

Follow along here for a glimpse into my life.

essential oils Morgan Mider essential oils Morgan Mider

Toddler Roller Ball Recipes

If I had a penny for every time I turned to my oils as a toddler mom, I would be a very, very rich woman. Whatever is thrown my way, which is a lot, I have an essential oil or an essential oil blend in a roller ball that I can grab.

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essential oils, motherhood Morgan Mider essential oils, motherhood Morgan Mider

When I Feel Rundown

This is the first week that I have had writer’s block. We got hit by a little bug and I have no energy at the end of the day, which is when I usually sit down to write. Then it dawned on me that the whole point of this blog is to be a resource for other mamas to turn to and that someone may want to know what we do when we feel rundown.

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essential oils Morgan Mider essential oils Morgan Mider

Essential Oil Tool Box

In order to be successful in any endeavor, you have to have the right supplies on hand. You wouldn’t go camping without a tent or bake a cake without a tin. It is exactly the same with essential oils. Having the right supplies on hand makes using your oils easy and will save you money in the long run!

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Essential oils are the foundation of wellness in our home and play a vital role in a toxin-free life.